Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Still Waiting......

Waiting is SO hard for me.  I really do not like to wait on anything.  I am of the opinion that ALL traffic lights that are red should be for someone else!  I also believe that I should have my own private lane for driving.
When I was a kid growing up in Alabama there were wild plum trees growing next to our house.  I love plums!  Spring would roll around and the plum trees would be loaded with beautiful while blossoms. It was at that time I knew that it would not be long until I would be filling my pockets and my stomach with plums.  After the blooms were gone tiny plums would appear, then the waiting would begin.  I don’t remember exactly how long it took for the plums to become eatable but I do remember what would happen if I rushed to eat a green plum before it became ripe! (Don’t worry; I will not share the details!)
Have you ever taken a bite of a pre-ripe, still green plum?  I have.  The taste is an explosion of bitterness!

The older I get, the more God is teaching me to wait on Him.  My problem: I do not like waiting.  God is teaching me right now.  I am learning as much about the past as I am about what God wants for my future.  For instance, take this plum thing.  God brought back this memory of my childhood to illustrate some occurrences in my life when I rushed ahead of Him.  There have been some times in my life when I rushed ahead of God, without waiting for a clear “go ahead.” (Green plum city!)  It was during many of those times that I experienced a hardship, a disappointment, a further delay, a sadness or even chaos.  In many cases, God blessed me anyway, but I wonder what could have happened if I had simply waited on God to complete HIS work.  I admit it – I bite into green plums! However, God is teaching me to wait on the sweet juicy nectar of His will!

Isaiah 40:31 – HIS strength.
Psalm 27:4 – Courage
Psalm 37:5-12 – Trusting and feasting on my inheritance in Christ
Galatians 2:20 – Identity in Christ

Just like the plums of my childhood.  I cannot rush the ripening process.  Ripe is ripe and not one day before.  So I wait because I know what rushing ahead of God can produce.  I wait because I do not want to miss the sweet, sweet nectar of His will and blessings for my life!  I am waiting.

To be continued……..


  1. How true this is & I too have eaten green plums along with other green fruit because I was impatient to wait for the best! Same thing with God when I try to intercede in His plans for my life! Thanks for this devotional!! I needed that!

  2. Over the last 10 God taught me to give up steering. I'm just along for the ride.
