Saturday, November 12, 2011

God Loves Us!! He rejoices over us!!

Last Friday when I was sitting with my grandson, Cash, God let me get a glimpse of how HE feels about me. I was pretending to chase Cash around the room and he was running from me -- all of the sudden he just stopped in his tracks and ran toward me and put his arms up in the air so I could pick him up! Needless to say - my heart melted.  Just think, God's heart melts when I "stop dead in my tracks" and throw up my arms!  He rejoices over me!  And you!!

"The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warior. he will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy." Zephaniah 3:17


  1. We hear all of our lives - do you have Jesus in your heart. Our greatest desire should not be to have Jesus in our heart, but rather to be inside the heart of the very creature of all known and unknown. To hear the heart beat of Jesus in our ears. To know there is a place in His heart that only I am made to fit. There is only one me made to fit in that one, unique place. Awesome!!!!

  2. That's what I am talking about....praise God! We have a Father who is so powerful, yet so tender when it comes to His children. What a wonderful maker!
